12 Oct 2022 Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office Hacks That Triple Your Productivity

Microsoft Office is one of the most popular software applications on the market. It's used by individuals and businesses all over the world to communicate, collaborate, and get things done. And while most people know how to use Microsoft Office to its full potential, there are some hidden tricks and hacks that can help you be even more productive. In this blog post, we will share 5 Microsoft Office hacks that will triple your productivity!

1- Translate Text into Word

Did you know that you can translate text into Microsoft Word? All you need to do is select the text that you want to translate, click Review > Translate, and then choose the language that you want to translate the text into.

This hack is especially useful if you work with colleagues or clients who speak a different language.

2- Read Your Document Aloud

If you want to proofread your document for errors, try reading it aloud. This hack works because when you read aloud, you are more likely to notice errors that you would otherwise miss. To do this in Microsoft Word, select the text that you want to have read aloud, and click Review > Speak > Read Aloud.

This is a great hack for catching typos, grammar mistakes, and other errors.

3- Pivot tables with a click

Pivot tables are a great way to summarize data in Microsoft Excel. They can be used to calculate things like sums, averages, and counts. And best of all, they can be created with just a few clicks! For example, if you have a list of sales data, you can use a pivot table to see the total sales for each region.

To create a pivot table, select the data that you want to include in the table, click Insert > Pivot Table, and then choose the fields that you want to include in the table.

4- Use the AutoSum Feature

The AutoSum feature in Microsoft Excel is a great way to quickly sum a range of cells. To use this feature, select the cells that you want to sum, and click Home > AutoSum.

5- Use Custom Views

If you have a long document that you need to reference often, consider creating a custom view. This will allow you to quickly jump to the section of the document that you need without having to scroll through the entire thing. To create a custom view, click View > Custom Views > Create New.

If you're looking to improve your productivity and learn more about Microsoft Office, consider enrolling in one of our online courses. We offer a variety of courses that are designed to help you master the different applications in Microsoft Office. Enrolling in one of our courses is a great way to get the most out of Microsoft Office and take your productivity to the next level.

What are some of your favorite Microsoft Office hacks? Share them with us in the comments below!