How to Start a Career in AI: A Full Guide

Welcome to the era of Artificial Intelligence (AI), where innovation knows no bounds and the possibilities are limitless. If you're captivated by the idea of shaping the future through AI, you're in the right place. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the essential steps to kickstart a rewarding career in AI, backed by informative data and statistics from reputable sources.


Understanding the Landscape:

Before diving in, let's grasp the AI landscape. According to a study by Fortunate Business Insights, the global AI market is projected to reach $2,025.12 billion by 2030, experiencing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 21.6%. This exponential growth opens up an array of opportunities for aspiring AI professionals.


Acquiring the Right Skills:

To thrive in the AI domain, it's crucial to develop a strong foundation in key skills. Machine Learning (ML), Natural Language Processing (NLP), and Deep Learning are pillars of AI. Platforms like Formatech, Coursera, and edX offer courses on these subjects. According to LinkedIn's Emerging Jobs Report, AI Specialist roles have seen a 74% CAGR over the past 4 years.


Pursuing Formal Education:

While self-learning is valuable, formal education can provide a structured and in-depth understanding of AI. According to the World Economic Forum, the demand for AI and Machine Learning specialists is expected to grow by 60% by 2025.


Building a Strong Portfolio:

Practical experience is key in AI. Create a portfolio showcasing your projects, preferably on platforms like GitHub. Kaggle, a platform for predictive modeling and analytics competitions, is an excellent place to participate in real-world AI challenges.


Networking and Community Engagement:

Connect with professionals in the field through LinkedIn, attend conferences, and join AI communities. The power of networking cannot be overstated. According to a survey by Jobvite, 78% of recruiters found their best candidates through networking.


Exploring Diverse Applications:

AI spans various industries, from healthcare to finance. Familiarize yourself with diverse applications to broaden your skill set. The McKinsey Global Institute reports that AI could contribute $13 trillion to global economic output by 2030.


Staying Updated:

AI is a rapidly evolving field. Regularly update your skills and stay informed about the latest trends. Join online forums, subscribe to newsletters, and follow thought leaders on social media.


Elevate Your Expertise with Formatech

In the rapidly evolving field of Artificial Intelligence, staying current with the latest advancements is key. Formatech's Certified Artificial Intelligence (AI) Practitioner course is a beacon for those looking to not just keep pace but excel in this dynamic landscape.


Embarking on a career in AI is an exciting journey that requires continuous learning and adaptability. The demand for AI professionals is soaring, and by equipping yourself with the right skills and knowledge, you can become a driving force in shaping the future of technology. Get ready to unleash your potential in the dynamic world of Artificial Intelligence!