12 Oct 2022 CyberSecurity

What is Cyber Security?

What is cyber security? It's a question that many people don't have a clear answer to. In fact, cyber security is a complex and ever-evolving field that can be difficult to understand. That being said, it's more important than ever for individuals and businesses to understand the basics of cyber security and take steps to protect themselves from cyber attacks. In this blog post, we will discuss the basics of cyber security and provide an overview of the different types of attacks that are commonly used by hackers.

What is cyber security?

Cyber security is defending computers, mobile devices, electronic systems, servers, networks, and data from attacks. It's also known as information technology security or electronic information security. The term applies in a variety of contexts, from business to mobile computing, and can be divided into a few common categories.

Types of CyberSecurity

1- Network security:

Network security is the practice of protecting a computer network from unauthorized access or other malicious activity. It includes firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and encryption technologies.

Network security is important for both businesses and individuals. Hackers often target networks in order to gain access to sensitive data or disrupt operations. By implementing strong network security measures, businesses can protect their data and prevent downtime.

Individuals should also take steps to secure their home networks. This includes using a firewall, encrypting Wi-Fi traffic, and choosing strong passwords.

2- Application security:

Application security is the process of identifying and protecting applications from cyber-attacks. It includes both preventative measures, such as code reviews and application firewalls, and detection and response tools, such as intrusion detection systems.

Application security is critical for businesses that rely on web-based applications. Hackers often target these applications in order to gain access to sensitive data or disrupt operations. By implementing strong application security measures, businesses can protect their data and prevent downtime.

Individuals should also be aware of the risks posed by cyber-attacks on web-based applications. This includes using only trusted websites and ensuring that all personal information is entered into secure forms.

3- Database security:

Database security is the process of protecting databases from cyber-attacks. It includes both preventative measures, such as database encryption and access controls, and detection and response tools, such as intrusion detection systems.

Database security is critical for businesses that store sensitive data in databases. Hackers often target these databases in order to gain access to this data. By implementing strong database security measures, businesses can protect their data and prevent breaches.

4- Endpoint security:

Endpoint security is the process of protecting devices that connect to a network from cyber-attacks. It includes both preventative measures, such as endpoint encryption and access controls, and detection and response tools, such as intrusion detection systems.

Endpoint security is critical for businesses that allow employees to connect their personal devices to the network. Hackers often target these devices in order to gain access to sensitive data or disrupt operations. By implementing strong endpoint security measures, businesses can protect their data and prevent downtime.

5- Cloud security:

Cloud security is the process of protecting data and applications stored in the cloud from cyber-attacks. It includes both preventative measures, such as data encryption and access controls, and detection and response tools, such as intrusion detection systems.

Cloud security is critical for businesses that rely on cloud-based applications or store sensitive data in the cloud. Hackers often target these applications and data in order to gain access to them. By implementing strong cloud security measures, businesses can protect their data and prevent breaches.

Types of cyber threats

1- Malware:

Malware is a type of cyber threat that is designed to damage or disable computers, servers, mobile devices, or electronic systems. It includes viruses, worms, trojans, and other malicious software.

Malware can be used to steal sensitive data, disrupt operations, or cause other damage. It can be spread through email attachments, downloads, or other means.

Individuals can protect themselves from malware by using anti-virus software and keeping their operating systems and applications up to date.

Businesses should also implement security measures, such as firewalls and intrusion detection systems, to protect their networks from malware attacks.

2- Phishing:

Phishing is a type of cyber threat that involves sending fraudulent emails or messages in order to trick individuals into disclosing sensitive information. This information can include passwords, credit card numbers, or other personal data.

Phishing attacks can be difficult to detect, as they often mimic legitimate emails or messages. However, there are some signs that an email or message is a phishing attack, such as misspellings, grammatical errors, and unexpected requests for personal information.

Individuals can protect themselves from phishing attacks by being suspicious of unsolicited emails or messages and never responding to requests for personal information.

Businesses should also implement security measures, such as email filtering and two-factor authentication, to protect their networks from phishing attacks.

3- Ransomware:

Ransomware is a type of cyber threat that involves encrypting or locking data and then demanding a ransom payment in order to decrypt or unlock it. It can be spread through email attachments, downloads, or other means.

Ransomware can be used to steal sensitive data or disrupt operations. It can also be used to extort money from individuals or businesses.

4- SQL injection:

SQL injection is a type of cyber threat that involves inserting malicious code into a database in order to execute unauthorized commands. It can be used to steal sensitive data, disrupt operations, or cause other damage.

SQL injection attacks can be difficult to detect, as they often exploit vulnerabilities in web applications. However, there are some signs that a website may be vulnerable to SQL injection, such as the presence of user input fields on the website.

Businesses can protect their networks from SQL injection attacks by implementing security measures, such as firewalls and intrusion detection systems. They should also ensure that their web applications are secure and up to date.

End-user protection

There are a few things individuals can do to protect themselves from cyber threats.

First, they should install and update anti-virus software on their computers. This software will help to detect and remove malware.

Second, they should be cautious when opening email attachments or clicking on links in emails. These can be used to spread malware or launch phishing attacks.

Third, they should never respond to requests for personal information, such as passwords or credit card numbers. These requests can be part of phishing attacks.

Fourth, they should keep their operating systems and applications up to date. This will help to ensure that vulnerabilities are patched and that the latest security features are available.

Businesses should also implement security measures to protect their networks from cyber threats. These measures can include firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and email filtering. They should also ensure that their web applications are secure and up to date.


Cyber security is the practice of defending computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks, and data from malicious attacks. It's a broad field that includes a variety of sub-fields, such as network security, application security, and database security.

Individuals can protect themselves from cyber threats by being cautious when online and by keeping their computers up to date. Businesses should also implement security measures to protect their networks.